The Amazing Similarities Between this Toxic Sugar and Alcohol
You may already be aware that fructose – the sugar found in everything from high fructose corn syrup and fruit juice to agave syrup and honey – is harmful when consumed in excess – which is exactly what many (if not most) Americans do. However, you may be surprised to...
Healthy Weight Loss
Why fad diets and weight loss gimmicks don’t work: Incomplete nutrition • Fad diets usually restrict one important macronutrient: carbohydrates, fats, or protein. The problem is that for a well balanced healthy diet all of those macronutrients are required. Protein is...
The Other Forms of Healthy Living
There are other aspects of a healthy life besides a nutritional diet and daily exercise. Sometimes we overlook these areas when we try to become healthy. Health is a comprehensive term and cannot be used to just describe one aspect of your body or life. There is...
Why sleep is important and what it does for your body: Research shows • People who get 5 hours of sleep or less are 50% more likely to be obese than those who get 8 or more hours of sleep a night. • People who sleep 5-6 hours are 23% more likely to be obese than...
Taking Nutritional Supplements
Most people do not eat a balanced diet rich in a variety nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. I often hear people complain because they do not like fruits and vegetables. Our bodies were not designed to live off cheese burgers and French fries. We were designed to kill...
Are supplements safe and are the claims made about them true?
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not closely regulate supplement manufacturers. In fact, because of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), supplement manufacturers have the sole responsibility to ensure the safety and validity of their...
Reduce Your Risk
There are quite a few dramatic strategies that can be implemented to prevent illness and diseases. However, most of us don’t have the time, patience, or knowledge to complete these strategies on a daily basis. This week I’m going to discuss some simple ways to make...
Healthier Side of Fast Food
Notice I said “healthier” choices. These menu options are not exactly healthy – they are just the healthier picks on fast-food menus. We suggest that you cutout fast food from your diet completely if possible. However we realize that sometimes you will be too...
Not Enough Time
Our day to day lives are so packed full it seems we do not have 1 extra minute to spare - Much less an hour and a half to spend at the gym! However, exercise is vital to living a healthy life. What's a busy bee to do? The current guidelines for exercise are 30 minutes...
Why Breakfast Is Important
⦁ Jump start your metabolism ⦁ Not eating a healthy breakfast can make you crave simple carbohydrates (sugar) ⦁ People who eat a healthy breakfast tend to eat fewer calories and less processed foods during the day than people who skip breakfast ⦁ Starting the day with...