IDD Therapy

IDD Therapy
what is IDD Therapy?
Intervertebral Differential Dynamics (IDD) Therapy consists of a set of medical treatment programs developed by a team of renowned neurologists, orthopedists and neurosurgeons to rehabilitate and heal damaged structures in the spine. The protocol is non-invasive and does not involve drug therapy. These low back specialists conducted extensive clinical studies to validate the remarkable results obtained with IDD Therapy.
A significant component of this medical regimen incorporates the use of a patented orthopedic machine. This device promotes self-healing through effective distraction of the spine.

What Are The Benefits Of IDD Therapy?
No surgery is involved.
Medical procedure is non-invasive.
No recovery period is necessary, unlike surgery.
Cost of treatment is minimal compared to the cost of surgery.
Insurance companies will reimburse for this treatment depending upon policy coverage.
Financing for treatment is available under most circumstances.
Treatments are not only safe and painless, but comfortable and relaxing as well.
Non-strenuous work can continue during the treatment regimen.
Why Should I Consider IDD Therapy?
Traditionally, surgery, pain medications and manipulation have been the primary treatments employed by doctors to address most organic problems involving the spine. The complications from back surgery can be severe and may result in permanent debilitating conditions. Pain medications can make it difficult for a person to carry-ob with normal day-to-day activities. Surgery can be very risky and extremely expensive with recovery taking several months. Thousands of back pain patients have been successfully treated with IDD Therapy without surgery or injections.
How Is IDD Therapy Administered?
IDD therapy is administered by a state-of-the-art orthopedic machine. The IDD therapy delivers spinal distraction in a comfortable and soothing manner, resulting in maximum pain relief!
Each treatment session lasts 15 to 20 minutes. The course of therapy includes approximately 20 treatment sessions.
History of the Accu-Spina Logic System
Back pain is the number one complaint in North America, affecting 80% of us at one time or another. Back problems often mean a permanent loss of some function, forcing us to give up things in our life that we may not want to give up. Until now, if a patient suffered from low back pain syndrome or endured pain from cervical problems, methods of treatment have been bed rest, muscle relaxants, pain medications, manipulation, some form of traction and, if all else failed, surgery.
For many years, traction-like programs reported some good results, but concerns over inconsistency and cumbersome equipment caused many doctors to lose enthusiasm about using this method. Single traction itself has not been highly effective, so very few clinics have included traction as part of their approach.
Some 25 years ago, Dr. Norman Shealy began treating low back pain patients who had not responded to conventional therapy. His therapy involved physicians, physical therapists, nurses, psychologists, massage therapists and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator (TENS), in a multidisciplinary approach, which resulted in 70% of these patients improving 50-100%.
The protocol was to combine traditional, labor-intensive physical therapy techniques to produce mobilization of the spinal segments, combined with stabilization, biofeedback, TENS, and effective education. This reinforced the healing process. A simpler, more cost-effective, and consistently reproduced protocol was the aim of this protocol.
The DRS (Decompression Reduction Stabilization) System, developed through years of clinical research, was the result of the combined efforts of neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons and medical manufacturing specialists. Initial FDA registration was issued in May of 1998.
The DRS System was developed specifically to mobilize and distract isolated lumbar segments. Using a specific combination of lumbar positioning and varying the degree and intensity of the force, a distraction and decompression was produced. With MRI, up to a 7-mm distraction at 30 degrees to L5, with several patients, was documented. A distraction at different spinal levels was observed by altering the position and degree of force.
Further developments in the DRS System made way to a new revolutionary device, the Spina System, which represented a quantum leap forward in bioengineering for the treatment of low back pain. Over 5,000 patient case histories were tracked and data applied to the designing of the Spina System. This data was later organized as the IDD Therapy protocols.
In conjunction with additional modalities, the Spina System effectively relieved the pain and disability resulting from disc injury and degeneration by repairing damaged discs and reversing dystrophic discogenic pain and disease through non-surgical decompression of intervertebral discs; that is, unloading due to distraction and positioning.
Conventional traction involves simple mechanical stretch, which when applied continuously, caused paravertebral muscle recruitment and a resulting increase in intradiscal pressure. Contrary to conventional traction, the Spina System applies pressures on a specifically targeted vertebra in a proprietary, graduated manner, which bypasses the inherent neurological mechanisms that lead to firing of stretch receptors in the paravertebral structures.
This decreased resistance to the applied forces allows a vertebral spatial distraction which can markedly reduce intradiscal pressures. This promotes retraction of herniated disc material and facilitates influx of oxygen, proteins and other substrates. In recent case studies, this painless, non-invasive treatment has been shown to be 86% effective in relieving low back pain in patients with disc problems. Recent field experience has demonstrated up to 95% efficacy.
Through continuous research and development, North American Medical Corporation (the manufacturer) improved the Spina System even further and has now introduced its latest embodiment, the Accu-Spina Logic System – a remarkable breakthrough in non-surgical decompression therapy. In addition to providing LUMBAR DECOMPRESSION like its predecessors, the Accu-Spina Logic System provides CERVICAL DECOMPRESSION and HIGH TENSION OSCILLATION, all in one machine. The features now allow the doctor to provide treatment not only for lower back pain but also for cervical conditions. This machine is also certified to administer IDD Therapy treatments.
The Accu-Spina Logic System offers the latest technology available to physicians for non-surgical treatment of bulging or herniated discs, degenerative discs, posterior facet syndrome, sciatica, and many post surgical cases. It is The World’s Most Advance Non-Surgical Treatment for chronic cervical and lower back conditions. This advanced medical device also has unique applications to make patient billing and insurance reimbursement procedures more efficient, and is under UL compliance and listing completion.